The Prayer That God Doesn’t Answer

Does God answer prayer?

Perhaps this is the most common question in people’s minds. In fact, it has been on my mind for the past year. Does God really answer prayer? Yes or No?

I can tell you that life has taught me different lessons about this truth. I’m going to try to share with you what I’ve learned through the years about this very same question.

For a person who grew up in the Christian faith, the answer is absolutely Yes! God answers prayer. But, the part that I was never taught was this… What prayers does God answer? What does prayer have to do with God answering or not what we ask of Him? Is there a prayer that He won’t answer?

My experience has taught me that God is interested in working in our lives. He wants you and me to become more like His Son. If you ask me… Does God answer a prayer that includes this purpose for your life? Absolutely! Because that’s what He wants for you. He wants you to be more like Jesus in your daily walk.

On the other hand, I have discovered that God won’t answer prayers where I am to participate with Him in that which I want. Let me explain. For example: Do you need or want a job? Well, God isn’t going to put that job in a platter for you even if you write your prayer request in your prayer journal, ask for prayer or pray for it every day.

God wants you to participate in this prayer request. You have things to do on your own to make this happen. God can guide, God can open doors if you will, but he won’t apply for you, he won’t go to the interview, nor will he make the call. It is you who need to take matters into your own hands, make the effort and take the steps to get that thing you need or want. I tell you, this has been a hard lesson for me to learn.


I was taught to bring my petitions to God in prayer and wait. If it’s His will it will come to pass. If not, it wasn’t meant to be. What a joke! God isn’t playing games with you or me. Nor does He want you to live this life miserable. In fact, Jesus came to give you and me life and life abundantly the Bible says. (John 10:10)

I know that this may be new for some of you. Perhaps you were taught the same way I was. But, make no mistake, God is interested is helping us get to where we want to go. It is His will that you live life to the fullest. It’s His will that you have a fruitful life in all aspects. You are to be a testimony of His goodness, mercy and love to a world that need to see this in you.


There is a verse in the Bible that says: ” 14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. (1 John 4:14-15, NIV)

I can tell you that the will of God is not hidden from you or me. It’s clearly described in the Scriptures. Therefore, if we ask according to His will then we can be sure He will answer. For this reason, you have to know what His will is. If you don’t how can you pray effectively? How can you pray those things He is sure to give you when you ask? His Word has His will for you printed already!


I want to help you get your prayers answered this year. I have created a prayer calendar and journal that will help you pray according to His will. In fact, when you pray God’s Word you will have clarity, your faith will grow and your relationship with God will be made strong.

The Praying God’s Word Calendar and Journal is a resource from It will impact the way you approach prayer every day. It will show you that there is more to asking God for things and that what God wants for you surpasses anything else you want. God wants for you a life full of joy, hope and conquering those desires of your heart. But it takes a woman or man of faith to apply His Word to their prayer life to see God’s hand moving in their lives and on their behalf. Press below to get your own copy today!

PROYECTOLEMA.COM is a ministry I founded to help women all over the world draw near to God through His Word. It started providing resources to women in Spanish. Now we have extended our ministry to the English-speaking community. With this ministry we pursue four core values. Project LEMA now in English is an acronym that means:

L = Learn the Word of God.
E = Explore the Word of God.
M = Meditate the Word of God.
A = Apply the Word of God.


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