Love is hard to practice, but not impossible

When I think about “Love” I remember the days when I fell in love with the man I’m married to. It’s been a long journey for us. It never occurred to us that time will pass by so fast and that we would still be in love with each other.

Things have changed since we got married. Sometimes we remember the times when we were younger and were ready to conquer the world. The dreams we had. How many children we would have or where we would live, and so on.

There was only one thing we didn’t plan for… How to survive the hard days when we felt like quitting. When we felt that we couldn’t make it. This is when “Love” stepped in and has kept us going.


If you are familiar with the Bible you know that the book of First Corinthians chapter 13 talks about Love. It’s universal. Everybody can quote something from that passage related to Love. But the question is… How many of us can say that those requirements for Love are hard to keep. I’m raising my hand here. Read the list below…

1. Love is patient.

2. Love is kind.

3. Love does not envy.

4. Love does not boast.

5. Love is not proud.

6. Love is not rude.

7. Love is not jealous.

8. Love keeps no record of wrongs.

9. Love never gives up.

10. Love always trusts.

11. Love always hopes.

12. Love always perseveres.

If you hare honest, and I will be honest, I’ve failed at each and everyone of these statements for Love. I’ve been there done that. Guilty as charged. I can tell you that I wasn’t prepared to put into practice these things. Love is hard. True Love is very hard but possible.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. There is power in practicing this kind of Love. It’ll transform any relationship.

I wouldn’t be here telling you about my marriage and how the hard times made us stronger. How they helped us to grow in our relationship and who we are as a person. How it made us see the value we have towards one another. Love works! That is the kind of Love that is described above.


You have the key to succeed in your relationship. It’s not about how much money you have or make. It’s not about the house you have. It’s not even about how many kids you have. Love will keep you together to whoever you want to stay with. There is no magic wand. Love is the key!

There is something called commitment. And this is what goes hand in hand with Love. That list above describes what Love is all about. So if I’m committed to that person I would work on demonstrating and implementing the qualities that define Love. Love is not a fussy feeling. Love isn’t going on dates or getting drunk together. Love isn’t watching movies and eating popcorn together. Love goes beyond the day-to-day activities. Love is something that the soul and heart can feel when we put into practice.


You can start today practicing Love. In fact, I’ve created a Calendar for this year 2023 that will keep you practicing one of these 12 definitions for Love every month. It’s a Family Calendar that can be used with your children or grandchildren. It’s a reminder during those twelve months of the year to show love to one another. Whatever area that seems hard to do practice it.

You’ll have thirty or thirty-one opportunities each month. Use the calendar as a tool to mark the day when you had to practice one of the statements written about Love. They are numbered to help you do it! Here is the link to order your Love Is Calendar 2023. Instructions for Family and personal use are included!

Clik here to order it now!

PROYECTOLEMA.COM is a ministry I founded to help women all over the world draw near to God through His Word. It started providing resources to women in Spanish. Now we have extended our ministry to the English-speaking community. With this ministry we pursue four core values. Project LEMA now in English is an acronym that means:

L = Learn the Word of God.
E = Explore the Word of God.
M = Meditate the Word of God.
A = Apply the Word of God.

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Before you go… What is the ONE THING you got from this post today? Share it below! I will read them all and answer. I want to share the journey with you!

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