God can heal your broken heart

For the past twelve years I’ve had women from all over the world land on a Blog post I wrote many years ago. It’s about God healing broken hearts.

It’s been one of the most read blogs. Because of the need I saw during this time, I wrote a book in Spanish. However, I recently decided to create resources for women who speak the English language. I will tell you more about this resource as you read this blog.


A few years ago I fell and scraped my knee really bad. It got a scab, then another scab and then another. It just would not heal! I was very annoyed because it was a wound that every time I felt the scab, I would remember all the details of my fall and how it all happened. I wanted it gone. I wanted it to be healed!

I think that many of our past hurts are similar to this wound on my knee. They haven’t healed and it bothers you from time to time or perhaps every day. It’s just a constant reminder that you’re hurting. But it doesn’t have to stay this way! That’s the beauty of a wound. It can actually heal if we treat it like we’re supposed to.

Wounds that are in our hearts are sometimes there and stay there because we never took the time to deal with them so they can heal. I know what this is like too!.


The first question that popped up when I wrote the above statement was… BUT WHY?

I think it’s a good question. Why won’t that wound heal?

I can tell you that one of the obvious reasons is that we haven’t dealt with it. Another is that it’s easier to ignore it. Another possible reason could be that we are so offended that we rather hold onto the pain than forgive and move on. I once read a quote that said:

Unforgiveness is like drinking poison yourself
and waiting for the other person to die


I know that forgiving isn’t easy. I’ve been through it. I used to hold onto unforgiveness for long periods of time. I found myself waiting for the other person to come to me and ask me to forgive him or her. That’s a very long wait. It’s not something that everybody does. In fact, you can probably wait years and years and it may never happen. So, what do you do while you wait? Here is something that unforgiveness does to you while you wait…

“Unforgiveness is choosing to stay trapped in a
jail cell of bitterness, serving time for someone else’s crime”

This is no way to live! There is a better way! God is in the business of healing hearts. He cares so much about the heart that the Bible says that He sends His Word to heal. (Psalm 107:20).


I have a resource that will help you in your journey towards healing your heart. It’s full of God’s Word that heals the broken heart. His Word applied to your wounds on a daily basis will help you in your journey to healing. To learn more about it, follow the link below.

This resource is a 30 Day Calendar and a Journal Praying God’s Word. It will transform your heart as God will use His Word to heal the wounds and hurts that have been in there for a while. Start your journey of healing your heart today!


PROYECTOLEMA.COM is a ministry I founded to help women all over the world draw near to God through His Word. It started providing resources to women in Spanish. Now we have extended our ministry to the English-speaking community. With this ministry we pursue four core values. Project LEMA now in English is an acronym that means:

L = Learn the Word of God.
E = Explore the Word of God.
M = Meditate the Word of God.
A = Apply the Word of God.

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Before you go… What is the ONE THING you got from this post today? Share it below! I will read them all and answer. I want to share the journey with you!

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