Praying God’s Word can Heal your Broken Heart

My heart has been broken many times! How about yours?

Healing, in some cases, took a long time for me. There is something about being hurt by someone, especially a loved one. It can affect us a long time or forever if we do not take active part in healing that wound.

God takes the wounds of the heart very seriously. He wants you and me to live lives to the fullest, so He is ready to heal our hearts when we seek Him for this.


As you know, a physical checkup happens once a year. For me it was last December of 2022. Little did I know that changes in my health habits were urgent and needed to be addressed right away. My blood test came with high cholesterol levels. As you may know, this is something that we have to watch if you want to live a long healthy life.

I had been bed ridden due an ankle injury. I broke it. It has been a long journey to recovery. All my normal activities and healthy eating routine stopped. I did whatever was easier while I was not able to walk or do the things I used to do. This in turn put in danger other parts of my body that I need to live healthy. My heart was at risk.

This has got me thinking… When the heart is at risk, we ought to take measures to fix whatever is affecting it or can affect it. Ignoring it, can be disastrous and painful.


The wise Solomon said this:

“Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it”
Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

I can tell you that this has been a constant reminder for me during my life. Take care of your heart. I’m not talking physically. Even though, I’m doing this now. I’m talking about your heart with all the feelings you have inside.

My heart has suffered many wounds through the years. God had to intervene to heal it and make it whole again. In the course of my healing, I learned that God’s Word has the power to heal. Coming to Him with an open heart allowed Him to do the surgery that I needed to be made whole again. This is the urgent care I needed in those times of pain. The Bible says this:

“He sent out his word and healed them”
Psalm 107:20 (NIV)


When I realized that my heart needed help I turned to God. He was ready to start the surgery that would make me whole again. I didn’t have to ask Him if He wanted to heal my heart. I knew He wanted me to be free of the pain. He wants this for you too!

I decided to cooperate with God in the journey to healing my heart. It takes a decision and the commitment to allow His Word to start the healing. You’ll never be the same again!

I have a resource that will help you in your journey towards healing your heart. It’s full of God’s Word that heals the broken heart. His Word applied to your wounds on a daily basis will help you in your journey to healing. To learn more about it, follow the link below.

This resource is a 30 Day Calendar and a Journal Praying God’s Word. It will transform your heart as God will use His Word to heal the wounds and hurts that have been in there for a while. Start your journey of healing your heart today!



30 Healing My Broken Heart – AVAILABLE NOW!
Scripture Cards Printed Digital Download

PROYECTOLEMA.COM is a ministry I founded to help women all over the world draw near to God through His Word. It started providing resources to women in Spanish. Now we have extended our ministry to the English-speaking community. With this ministry we pursue four core values. Project LEMA now in English is an acronym that means:

L = Learn the Word of God.
E = Explore the Word of God.
M = Meditate the Word of God.
A = Apply the Word of God.

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Before you go… What is the ONE THING you got from this post today? Share it below! I will read them all and answer. I want to share the journey with you!

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