If you don’t do this… You’re missing out!

What Bible verse comes to mind when you think of Scripture memory verse?

For me, it’s the verse that says: “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105)

I learned this Bible verse very early in life. Even though I didn’t understand what it meant and how it could impact the way I lived my life, I still could repeat it anytime someone called it out to memory.

Maybe you have a few Bible verses of your own memorized. However, through the years I’ve learned that Scripture memory verse is not about storing more information or knowledge about the Bible in our brains. It goes further than this. Memorizing Scripture can transform the way we live and transform our lives for the better.

This practice has allowed me to know God in a deeper and personal way. It invites me to pray His Word with understanding. It helps me apply what I have stored in my mind and heart. Memorizing Scripture has changed the way I live and has added a surpassing amount of faith, courage and trust in God to my daily living. Because of this, I decided to create a resource that will impact the way you live your life during the months of the year.


If we are honest, we know that committing to Scripture Memorization takes time and effort. Many of us, prefer to read it and go about our day. However, let me tell you what you’re missing. That word that is kept in your memory allows the Holy Spirit to prompt you with it in times when you need it most. You’ll be surprised of how this mystery will impact the way you live your life each day.

Jesus said it this way: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26, NIV)

I don’t know about you, but I want an Advocate. I want someone who defends me. Someone who stands by my side day by day. Someone who teaches and remind me of God’s Word when I need it most. But how can he do this if we don’t store His Word in our hearts and minds?


There is a huge difference between reading the Word and Memorizing it. Even though, I consider both important and with relevance to growth in Christ, I believe that you and I gain more insight into who God is, what He is doing in our lives and what He wants from us when we memorize the Scriptures. Not only memorize it but study it and put it into practice. In other words, when we know what the Scripture means and we store in our hearts, we are able to apply it when we need it as we walk with the Lord. Start memorizing His Word today. Your life will never be the same!

PROYECTOLEMA.COM is a ministry I founded to help women all over the world draw near to God through His Word. It started providing resources to women in Spanish. Now we have extended our ministry to the English-speaking community. With this ministry we pursue four core values. Project LEMA now in English is an acronym that means:

L = Learn the Word of God. P
E = Explore the Word of God.
M = Meditate the Word of God.
A = Apply the Word of God.

I don’t want you to miss out on the rewards that memorizing Scripture will add to your daily living starting today. Get your Printed Scripture Memory Monthly Journal today. It will help you in your pursuit of knowing Christ and becoming more like Him. God will draw near to you and you will too! Click below to get yours today!


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Before you go… What is the ONE THING you got from this post today? Share it below! I will read them all and answer. I want to share the journey with you!

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